Source code for hysop.operator.vorticity_absorption

# Copyright (c) HySoP 2011-2024
# This file is part of HySoP software.
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# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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import sympy as sm

from hysop.constants import Implementation
from hysop.core.graph.computational_node_frontend import ComputationalGraphNodeFrontend
from import check_instance
from hysop.parameters.scalar_parameter import ScalarParameter
from hysop.parameters.tensor_parameter import TensorParameter
from hysop.fields.continuous_field import Field
from hysop.topology.cartesian_descriptor import CartesianTopologyDescriptors
from import (

[docs] class VorticityAbsorption(ComputationalGraphNodeFrontend): """ The periodic boundary condition is modified at the outlet in the flow direction in order to discard in the dowstream region the eddies coming periodically from the outlet. The far field velocity is set to u_inf at the inlet. """ __implementations = {Implementation.PYTHON: PythonVorticityAbsorption}
[docs] @classmethod def implementations(cls): return cls.__implementations
[docs] @classmethod def default_implementation(cls): return Implementation.PYTHON
def __new__( cls, velocity, vorticity, dt, flowrate, start_coord, variables, custom_filter=None, implementation=None, **kwds, ): return super().__new__( cls, velocity=velocity, vorticity=vorticity, dt=dt, flowrate=flowrate, start_coord=start_coord, variables=variables, custom_filter=custom_filter, implementation=implementation, **kwds, ) def __init__( self, velocity, vorticity, dt, flowrate, start_coord, variables, custom_filter=None, implementation=None, **kwds, ): """ Parameters ---------- velocity: field input velocity vorticity: field input vorticity flowrate : ScalarParameter penalization factor applied to all geometries. start_coord : coordinate of the absorption filter start (X coord) custom_filter : sympy expression The formula to be applied onto the field. variables: dict dictionary of fields as keys and topologies as values. dt: ScalarParameter Timestep parameter that will be used for time integration. implementation: Implementation, optional, defaults to None target implementation, should be contained in available_implementations(). If None, implementation will be set to default_implementation(). kwds: Keywords arguments that will be passed towards implementation poisson operator __init__. """ check_instance(velocity, Field) check_instance(vorticity, Field) check_instance(variables, dict, keys=Field, values=CartesianTopologyDescriptors) check_instance(dt, ScalarParameter) check_instance(start_coord, float) check_instance(custom_filter, sm.Basic, allow_none=True) check_instance(flowrate, TensorParameter) super().__init__( velocity=velocity, vorticity=vorticity, dt=dt, flowrate=flowrate, start_coord=start_coord, custom_filter=custom_filter, variables=variables, implementation=implementation, **kwds, )